“The wicked leader is he who the people despise. The good leader is he who the people revere. The great leader is he who the people say, ‘We did it ourselves.’”
Noble Leadership
Noble Leadership is based on the premise that leaders are Environmental Creators for a Greater Good. They aim to be and create islands of sanity,* decency and wise action in a world that often rewards the opposite. Noble leaders create conditions that enable those entrusted to them to collaborate, to create freely and produce sustainable products and services that serve a noble purpose.
They do this by focusing on both inner leadership and by fostering work environments that nourish the body, mind and heart. They train with discipline and dedication in these three areas to produce wise action. Noble leaders consistently work on expanding their clear-seeing, compassion and skill-full actions to preserve, protect and nourish what is best in those with whom they work. They know they cannot achieve their noble purpose alone. They involve their people in the designs and decisions that affect them.
* Margaret Wheatley ‘Who Do We Choose to Be?’